Update for Anka

Update for Anka

Hello friends,

It’s a new year, new me! By new me, I mean a more difficult me. I’ve been giving the kind Tabby’s Place staff a hard time when they express me. To try to make things easier on me, they made some changes to my diet, medication and expression routines. You’ve got to give it to these lovely people. They’ll do whatever they can to make us kitties comfortable and happy. Olive is going through the same thing. That cat may be a weirdo, but she gets me. 🙂

Once again a devoted volunteer (who is also an elementary school teacher) has told her class about the adventures of the Tabby’s Place kitties. Her sweet, young students (and future Tabby’s Place volunteers, we hope!) created hand-made cards, toys and beds for all the cats. I love my cat bed so much! I like to go inside and also rub my face all over it.

I heard some visitors recently complaining that CVS Pharmacy is loaded to the hilt with Valentine’s Day decor and gifts already (too soon?). To get ready for this Hallmark holiday, I’m going to practice giving out kisses. If you’re nearby and can visit me, please stop in so I can practice my kisses on you.  Your life will be immensely enriched by the experience!

Thank you, my beautiful, big-hearted friend, for all your love and support. You make it possible for me to live this blessed life.
