Update for Olive

Update for Olive

How did it get to be December so quickly, Olive lovers?

I don’t have an answer for that, but I do have the latest on our feisty girl.

Our Thanksgiving With the Cats event brought in a fine crowd of visitors, and, as usual, Olive wanted to be the first to check out every single one of them! She couldn’t quite manage that, but our girl had a very busy time of it. So much footwear to sniff, so much affection from her fans, so many people exclaiming over her. By the end of the event, Olive was a sleepy young lady; she was worn out from all that admiration. Never fear, however—a good night’s rest, and she was right back in action the next day.

In medical news, the sore on Olive’s hind leg has not recurred. She is now being medicated twice daily, instead of once; the new medication we started should do double duty, helping with any pain she might be having during defecation and calming her behavior, as well.

I know there are a thousand worthy causes out there, all telling you they need your help. That’s why it means so much to me that you’ve chosen to help us care for our fearless little lobby greeter. As much as we’d love to see Olive adopted, it’s because of you that she can have a home with us for as long as she needs one, a home where she’s loved and cared for. Have a peaceful holiday season, and may 2020 surpass your dreams and expectations!

Your correspondent,