Update for Olive

Update for Olive

Hello, Olive Lovers! Ready for the latest scoop on our feisty little girl?

Medical news first: Olive had several instances of dark, smelly urine over the past month. Naturally, we were concerned about an infection, so our vet team got involved. There was some bacteria present in her urine, but there were no white blood cells in it, so it does not appear to be an infection. We are very hesitant to give any cat antibiotics unless we’re positive that there’s a need for them, so for the present, we are monitoring the situation.

I was hoping that Olive’s brief excursion into Quinn’s Corner would be an isolated incident. Not so much, it seems. Maybe our lobby greeter is tired of the lobby, as she has been escaping into the Quinn’s Corner wing repeatedly. You cannot simply pick Olive up and return her to the lobby, so signs are posted reminding volunteers not to tackle Olive on their own in this case, but to get a staff member to help.


There is some thought that Olive may be bored with her life in the lobby and/or upset by the changing around of other lobby felines. For several reasons (adoption, illness, personality conflicts, cats new to Tabby’s Place) lobby residents get changed around at times, and there have been several changes in a short period of late. However, now that spring is here again, we’re going to schedule her for some enrichment both in a stroller and her outdoor playpen, both of which she loves.

Olive might be bored, but I’m not sure whether she’s upset. Certainly, the last few times I’ve seen her she’s been more laid-back than usual, even when other lobby cats got very close to her. Most recently, when I saw her she was chilling out on a cardboard scratcher with her eyes closed. I was told that she had been scooting around the lobby much of the morning, which was good to hear, and it seemed as though she might simply have been tired at that point, as it was after 1 PM. Later in the afternoon, a visitor crouched down and held out his hand toward her, and she actually ambled over and rubbed on his hand several times, with no sign of snapping at the hand afterward.

We love our girl. And it warms our hearts to know that there are good people in the world like you who love her, too. Thank you!

Your correspondent,