Update for Anka

Update for Anka


Dear friends,

My wishes to go for a stroller ride and spend time in my outdoor pen came true! I recently got a spin in my stroller and, while I usually hate to leave the stroller, this time I did not put up a fight. Instead, I was desperate to get into my huge outdoor accommodations and EAT GRASS! I love grass. I love it so much I briefly considered switching to a plant-based diet, but when my correspondent later lured me back to my stroller with treats, I succumbed. Who could resist?

We picked a shady spot on the grass for our little outing. My correspondent put blankets down for me, but I wanted to feel the grass (GRASS!) on my belly. I watched birds take off and land in nearby Cherney’s Garden. I took in the smells of the freshly mowed lawn. I chased bugs. I wandered and explored every inch of my surroundings. Then I sat back, briefly closed my eyes and let my heart expand with gratitude. So much gratitude.

Even though I’m happy and love my life and my ‘job’ as part of the Aged to Purrfection program, the staff recently contemplated if my world is too small. They had a thoughtful conversation about my luxury indoor accommodations and briefly considered giving me free range in the lobby again. Given my predictable, extreme aggression toward other cats, it was decided that it’s safer for all the furry lobby residents if I stay put. I assured the lovely staff that I’m very happy where I am because I get lots of dedicated attention.

Thank you for making this special life possible for me. I love you even more than I love grass 😊


(with help from your correspondent, Mary)