Update for Anka

Update for Anka

Hello special friends,

Breaking news!  I am no longer the only paraplegic Middle Eastern cat at Tabby’s Place. What are the odds of that? A team of rescuers from Lebanon reached out to Tabby’s Place about a paraplegic kitten named Chocolate. In a post-war country, options were limited for baby Chocolate, so the big-hearted people at Tabby’s Place were happy to help.

Chocolate and fellow Lebanese kitties Honey, Marble, Cinnamon, Lotus, and Abby were welcomed to Tabby’s Place a few weeks ago. Tiny little kittens, names like Chocolate, Honey, and Cinnamon…it’s a gooey sweetness overload. The kind folks at Tabby’s Place also shipped much-needed supplies to the Lebanese rescue.

Olive the Schnauzer

In case you’re wondering, I’ve not lost any sleep about no longer being the only Middle Eastern cat at Tabby’s Place. As long as my human fans and friends continue to love me, they can ship every last Middle Eastern cat here. Just don’t put them near me.

That said, I’ll admit I’m sometimes entertained by the other Lobby cats—especially crazy Olive. Who knew she had so many talents? Check out the photo of her casting a shadow puppet in the shape of a Schnauzer. I was half expecting her to bark.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support. Beautiful people like you make it possible for the beautiful people at Tabby’s Place to provide love and medical care for cats—both near and far.

Many kisses,

(with help from your correspondent, Mary)