Sponsor Updates for Rose

Update for Rose

Dear Friends, Hi y’all, even if I shut my eyes, I can sense in my li’l black-and-white body that fall is on its way.  Subtle changes are here such as the temperatures getting a bit cooler and the darkness visiting a bit earlier.  I am an all-season girl, and I find happy things about each […]

Update for Rose

Dear Friends, Sometimes when I have extra time on my paws, I like to learn new things.  I do believe that every day is a gift and should be celebrated.  Hmmm, what celebration could possibly be in August?  August is officially “Admit You’re Happy Month.”  I’m happy every day of the year because you are […]

Update for Rose

Greetings, dear sponsors, It was a Saturday, just like any Saturday during the pandemic.  The sanctuary was so quiet that all I could hear over yonder were staff footsteps.  I curled up for an afternoon catnap and dreamed of the world turning right side up.  Have y’all ever had a dream that seemed so real […]

Update for Rose

Dear wonderful Rose sponsors, Hi y’all, time goes so quickly which means our time to be together again is getting that much closer, yay!  My Grandma used to say patience is a virtue, which means we all must be virtuous! I think if you asked all the Tabby’s Place cats if they are ready for […]

Update for Rose

Hi y’all! I am thinking about you a lot these days.  The world is still turned upside down, but if we stick together, we will get through this together.  If you, your family, or your friends are some of the amazing front-line workers helping to save lives, this black and white furry li’l southern kitty […]

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