Sponsor Updates for

Update for Pepita

Welcome to autumn, Pepita sponsors! The leaves are starting to turn their vibrant autumn colors (finally) and beginning to drop, causing lots of delight for all the kitties in the solarium.  The crisp air has arrived and wonderful breezes are resulting in skittering leaves and the rustling sounds of the fall.  Pepita is delighting in […]

Update for Pepita

Dearest fans of sweet Pepita, Pepita is enjoying the extended summer heat while anticipating the cool breezes of autumn around the corner. As a dedicated solarium dweller, she is ever-present there, even when the heat and humidity are high.  Sometimes she chooses just to melt into the tube between the suite and solarium. It’s a […]

Update for Pepita

Dearest friends of Pepita, Our gentle girl has enjoyed a happy, healthy month, with no medical news to report. Pepita is now very much one of our “old timers” at Tabby’s Place. A visitor who had not stopped by in quite some time remarked that the only cats she knew were Pepita, Boom and a […]

Update for Pepita

Greetings, wonderful fans of Pepita! The heat of mid-summer has arrived and nothing could be more welcomed by Pepita.  Today I found her in one of her favorite spots in the solarium—the big plastic chair that sits against the outer fenced area of the solarium.  There she sat, sprawling in the sunshine and fast asleep. […]

Update for Pepita

Dear kind and generous Pepita sponsors, We’re thrilled that Pepita continues to enjoy a long stretch of stellar, newsless health. It’s been an age since Pepita’s last urinary tract infection, a great triumph after how endless they once were. Surely the sunshine warming the solarium can only help Pepita’s health, as she’s rarely indoors this […]