Sponsor Updates for Jeremy

Update for Jeremy

Happy March, dear sponsors! As I sat here looking back on the past month wondering what to write you, I realized that our boy is nine months old! I thought back to when I first brought him home in December and it suddenly hit me just how much he has grown since then. In the […]

Update for Jeremy

Happy February, dear sponsors! February finds more changes in the home life of our little boy Jeremy. If you recall from last month’s entry, Jeremy and other cat resident Michael were kept apart most of the time due to a slight personality conflict; Jeremy wanted to play and Michael did not. Because of this, Jeremy […]

Update for Jeremy

Happy February, dear sponsors! February finds more changes in the home life of our little boy Jeremy. If you recall from last month’s entry, Jeremy and other cat resident Michael were kept apart most of the time due to a slight personality conflict; Jeremy wanted to play and Michael did not. Because of this, Jeremy […]

Update for Jeremy

Happy February, dear sponsors! February finds more changes in the home life of our little boy Jeremy. If you recall from last month’s entry, Jeremy and other cat resident Michael were kept apart most of the time due to a slight personality conflict; Jeremy wanted to play and Michael did not. Because of this, Jeremy […]

Update for Jeremy

Hello Jeremy’s sponsors and a very Happy New Year to you all! The new year finds big changes for our little boy Jeremy. If you have not already heard, Jeremy is now the proud new owner of a foster home… living with me. Let me introduce myself. My name is Susan and it is my […]