Wait until you meet Tashi! He’s a cross between a brown tabby and a grey tabby, with an expressive face. Tashi is scarcely more than a baby; he was born on or about May 15 of 2008. This is one active guy! He never stops playing, which is all the more remarkable when you consider that his rear legs are paralyzed.
We think that Tashi’s paralysis is the result of a congenital spinal defect. He’s currently undergoing physical therapy and will be for the foreseeable future, but we are hopeful he’ll be able to walk again in some fashion. Note that Tasi’s bladder must currently be expressed twice daily because of his paralysis. For the same reason, and because he can play rough at times, we recommend he go to a home without small children.
Tashi has a great personality. He’s fond of people and especially other cats; he never stops trying to wrestle with them or pounce on a toy. With a condition like Tashi’s, there are invariably “quality of life” questions. But he appears quite unaware that there’s anything amiss with him. He’s a happy little guy with a sweet nature that’s obvious as soon as you meet him (though he’s often too busy scooting after a toy to be bothered with human attention!). We hope you’ll choose to come in and be acquainted with our newest, very special tabby.