This is one beautiful boy. Simon is a medium-to-large male, with white on his chest, paws, muzzle, and tummy; the rest of his coat is deep orange tabby. At some point earlier in his life, he was declawed in front.
Simon is a quiet cat, but he is genuinely fond of human attention. Go into his room and call his name, and he’ll give a big stretch and sit up very straight, waiting for you to pet him and talk to him; he seems content to stay this way for as long as you’ll keep doling out the affection.
We know that Simon was born early in April of 2008. He has early kidney disease. If you don’t know about kidney disease in cats, it’s similar to kidney disease in humans, in that the disease may stay stable for months or years before progressing, or it could progress more quickly; there’s no way to predict that. At this writing (mid-August, 2018), Simon’s kidney disease is so mild that he does not require any treatment for it.
Simon is a sweet, gentle boy who deserves a lot of love. If you can provide that, come in to meet him.