
Gender Female
Breed DSH
Color Black Brown
Markings Tabby
Personality Friendly
How I Feel About Children Unknown
How I Feel About Dogs Unknown
How I Feel About Cats Very Comfortable
Age 22 years


Paulette is a medium-size, very cute brown tabby. Her left eye, which was tiny and non-functional, was removed shortly after her arrival at Tabby’s Place. Because Paulette was likely never able to see out of her left eye she has adjusted well to having just one eye.

Paulette came from a private home where she lived with multiple other felines, so she’s comfortable with other cats. She was timid with people when she first arrived at Tabby’s Place, but she’s come around nicely. She’s a very affectionate girl who loves to be petted and give head bumps.

Update: Paulette has lymphocytic plasmacytic gingivitis which we have treated by removing her teeth and administering steroids once a day. We are hoping that her mouth will heal and that in time we’ll be able to wean he off the medication.

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