
Gender Female
Breed DSH
Declawed No
Color Black Orange
Markings Tortoiseshell
Personality Friendly Affectionate Outgoing Easy-Going
How I Feel About Children Very Comfortable
How I Feel About Dogs Unknown
How I Feel About Cats Familiar
Age 19 years

In her life prior to Tabby’s Place, Jeannie was happy and well-loved, and it shows. She arrived at Tabby’s Place in January 2022 with her housemate Frankie when their family could no longer take care of them, and while they got along fine, they’re not two of a kind. Jeannie has taken life’s twists and turns in stride despite her age, however, and has made herself quite comfortable in our Community Room. To be honest, this has made it challenging to take photos of Jeannie. If you try to focus the camera on her, she pops up and glides over to you for some petting. “Lots of nose prints on the lens,” is how one of Tabby’s Place’s photographers put it after an hour of trying to get a good pose out of her.

While Frankie occasionally gets overstimulated, that word doesn’t appear to be in Jeannie’s vocabulary. She loves attention — think of her as the hostess at a party who mingles with everyone, a smile never far from her face as she delights in everyone’s company. Jeannie sometimes can be a little cranky about sharing the attention with other felines, but she would be a wonderful solo cat or live with other laidback cats.

Although she and Frankie lived in the same house, Jeannie can be adopted alone. She’s a healthy senior lady cat with a pretty face *and* a sparkling personality. All she asks for is the best — is that so much to ask? Please give her a look and fill out an application.

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