If you walk past Finn without giving him attention, he might give you a playful BOP with his paw to remind you to pay attention to him!
Finn is a sweet boy and clearly looks for attention whenever he has human visitors. He is known for playfully bopping people with his paws as they pass by. He is young, healthy, and playful and seems to get along with his new suite mates. He is still new to our sanctuary but he is doing very well now that he is out-and-about in one of our suites. If you call his name, he will often come running to you, especially if you have treats!
Finn came to us from another rescue all the way in Dallas, Texas. He was loved dearly by the staff and volunteers at his previous shelter, but he wasn’t having any luck finding a forever home. He was known as a young, healthy, friendly boy who was simply down on his luck.
We understand that, for Finn, flying six hours away from the only home he has known has been a tough transition. He was fairly nervous in his new surroundings in the beginning and had a good bit of cage anxiety. We are hoping that, with time, he will become more comfortable and will return to his affectionate self.
Finn needs an adopter who understands his anxiety and will help him make the transition to life on the East Coast. Could that be you? Come and visit him during our public hours! See our Visit Us page for updated information.