
Gender Female
Breed DSH
Declawed No
Color Black Orange Other
Markings Tortoiseshell
Personality Friendly Affectionate Cuddly
How I Feel About Children Very Comfortable
How I Feel About Dogs Unknown
How I Feel About Cats Very Comfortable
Age 16 years
Special Considerations

Hyperthroid and incontinent

Queen Alice presides over the solarium at Tabby’s Place, where visitors come to witness the shiny flecks of gold that grace her feline fur. There is no one other than Alice that is befitting of that royal title. Even though Alice’s beauty is majestic, her personality is down to Earth and sweet.

In the past a great many people looked up to cats as beings of great power and mystery.

In the present day we look up to Alice simply for her warmth, friendliness and her instant friendship. Even if she were crowned the queen of Tabby’s Place, she would be a queen of the people, coming down off of her cat tree to greet you and welcome you with purrs and head butts.

Such a kind and sweet beauty as Alice should be esteemed and honored by all of the townsfolk. But if you ask Alice, she would simply rather settle for a just home of her own. She doesn’t desire the royal treatment; she is just looking for a lifelong companion. Are you the one to give Alice the simple life that she needs? Come and visit her today and meet this precious girl. Her majesty awaits you.

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