
Gender Female
Breed DMH
Declawed No
Color Black White
Markings Solid
Personality Playful Friendly Outgoing
How I Feel About Children Familiar
How I Feel About Dogs Unknown
How I Feel About Cats Familiar
Age 17 years
Special Considerations

Kidney disease

The planet Jupiter may be a distant neighbor in our solar system, but the cat Jupiter is out of this world. Her shaggy black fur is dotted with flecks of white, like stars in the night sky. Her little white ears are two moons rising over the horizon of her serene face. And Jupiter’s fluffy tail swishes through the air like a dark comet.

Jupiter and her best friend, Blueberry, came to Tabby’s Place from a hoarding situation in North Carolina. Out of the 90 cats in Jupiter’s previous home, she formed a special bond with Blueberry that continues to this day; you can find them orbiting around one another in our Director of Operations’ office. We know that Jupiter will glow brighter if she finds a forever home with her dear friend. Regardless, Jupiter is a sweetheart who loves other cats and humans alike.

Fun fact: The planet Jupiter’s magnetic field is fourteen times as strong as the Earth’s. Similarly, Tabby’s Place holds no responsibility for Jupiter the cat’s irresistible magnetism. Come visit her any day of the week, from 12 to 5 PM.

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