Like her name, Pancake is soft, fluffy, and sweet! She loves to spend time with her fellow felines and can often be found curled up next to her buddies Sparkly or Heather. She’s also friendly towards people as well.
Pancake used to be an outdoor cat before she came to Tabby’s Place. She was fed by a caretaker and would routinely come up to people and sit at their feet. When the cat colony’s population had to be reduced, Pancake was selected to be an indoor cat due to her friendly tendencies.
Pancake is still a little shy around people but has demonstrated that she’s no feral. She carefully takes her time when getting to know people. Thoughtful and inquisitive, Pancake will quietly study each visitor in her suite. She’s waiting for someone who will take the time to sit with her and get to know her. She is extremely loving after you take a minute to earn her trust and loves butt scratches. If you scritch just the right spot, she’ll happily arch her back and purr. She is a part of our Befriending Fearful Felines program, wherein volunteers spend extra time with scaredy cats in order to build trust and show them that humans aren’t so scary after all. She’s made wonderful progress with her human buddies.
Are you looking for a shy but sweet girl to share your home with? Consider adopting our Pancake!