Update for Tux

Update for Tux

Dear Sponsors of Tux,

Welcome to Tux’s extended family! He wants to personally thank you for becoming one of his very first sponsors. At this very moment his whiskers are twitching in his sleep as he naps in bliss. 

I hope you are enjoying summer relaxation and playtime just like Tux has been doing of late! It’s been an exciting month in the Community Room, with several new residents joining the group. Tux is always curious, but ultimately unfazed by such changes. As long as there are window perches to rest in, sunny spots in which to daydream, and posts to scratch, Tux is content.

Tux snuggles a resident during an Aged to Purrfection visit

Tux has experienced good health of late. His diet and medication keep him regular in the digestive department. He will be having his quarterly heart check-up later this month. Tux is unbelievably cooperative when it comes to medical exams. The challenge is not to keep him still, but to keep him from purring so loudly that you can listen to his heartbeat! He so loves attention of any kind that his joy cannot be contained.

Tux at play

One particular highlight for Tux this month has been his Aged to Purrfection visitations. This was his first month participating in the program, where therapy cats visit senior homes, and he is a natural.  Tux is the epitome of a snuggly lap kitty. He’s soft to the touch, his purr is loud and resonant, and he is patient.

On his very first official visit, he and Stafford both jumped from their strollers to curl up on either side of a bedridden, non-verbal resident. I’m told the man evidently delighted in the cats’ comfort and empathy. During his most recent visit, Tux went from one lap to another, spending long amounts of time with each resident that invited him to stay.

Watching Tux at play, one would never guess his age of fifteen years. In the last couple of months, Tux has experienced what seems to be a rejuvenation. Tux gets particularly animated in the early afternoon. He will bolt around the Community Room while chirping at absolutely nothing, then freeze, and go in another direction. He’ll launch from the floor to a desk, then up to the wall cabinets in a blink of an eye. In my household, we call this “the crazies.” Whatever you want to call it, Tux has caught on.

Your Correspondent,