Update for Tux

Update for Tux

Dear Friend of Tux,

Tux on his throne.

April showers are certainly no joke in Ringoes, NJ this year. With all the rain, it can feel a bit like crossing a castle moat on one’s journey to higher ground.

If you think that’s an unusual reference on my part, I should provide a bit of context. In recent weeks, Tabby’s Place has been filled with a delightful assortment of cardboard castles and forts.

Last month, Tabby’s Place was invited to participate in a community outreach event at the Hunterdon County Library as part of New Jersey Makers Day.

Our volunteer events team raised awareness of our mission and volunteer opportunities, and visitors were invited to build cardboard castles for the cats!

Cardboard Castles for Tabby’s Place!

While I could go on about the variation in these fun creations, you are probably wondering how our dear Tux fits in?

Well, Tux is now king of his very own castle!

Tux has long served as King of the Community Room. He doesn’t wear a crown or a flowing robe, but he never appears to his people in anything less than his very best tuxedo.

While Tux is most often seen curled up in his plush elevated throne (see above), or overlooking his cultivated garden beds from his elevated terrace, lately his subjects have been asking, “Where is Tux?”

The common response from the staff is now, “Did you look for him in his castle?”

When the throne room gets crowded, or Tux tires from his administrative duties, he can find solace in his very own cardboard castle (much like the one pictured in the back of the photo above).

The King in his castle, avoiding paparazzi.

I recently called on our dapper friend and ruler. He was, indeed, in his castle doing his best to avoid the paparazzi. As I waited patiently, he came to sit upon his throne and check that all was good with his court. After exchanging pleasantries, he retired to his castle chambers for some rest.

Our Highness continues to remain in good health for his age. He finds it embarrassing that his staff so often speak of his digestive challenges, as he believes himself to be the perfect specimen of feline wellbeing.

Tux knows that he has you, his kingdom of sponsors, to thank for his continued comforts. He wishes you well as we continue to splash through puddles here in merry ol’ Ringoes.

Your correspondent,