Update for Tux

Update for Tux

A knowing smirk.

The Smirk

I could go on at great length about little details in the markings or facial expressions of many of the cats at Tabby’s Place. I’ve written about this before.

But there is something about Tux’s smirk that always makes me smile.

Tux knows things.

Tux knows lots of things.

Tux never mocks and tries not to judge.

But don’t ever think for an instant that he doesn’t observe well beyond the sense of sight.

Tux observes the world with all his (six?) senses. He observes, makes notes, moves on.

There is something about Tux’s smirk that brings me a sense of balance. It is as if he is communicating that all is right with his world at that particular moment. The moment when all his senses align and he can be Zen in the moment.

When I first laid eyes on this particular photo of Tux, a big smirk crossed my own face as I quickly downloaded it for my next update.

But then I couldn’t stop thinking about it. There was something about the photo that just made me think, “that was a good day.”

And that’s what the power of Tux can do to a simple human like me.

Tux inspects the merchandise.

This month we celebrated two significant milestones at Tabby’s Place: our 20th Anniversary and the Grand Opening of Quinn’s Corner. On Saturday, October 7th, more than 400 people came to celebrate with us between raindrops and wind gusts.

Tux had a true front row seat of the many festivities of the day.

In the week leading up to the Grand Opening, Tux led a careful inspection of the hand-crafted catnip socks lovingly made by our volunteers and sold during the event.

Tux observes the Grand Opening.

The Community Room was one of only two feline residential areas open to the public during the Grand Opening. Between naps, Tux got to greet many new and old friends. He even got to “stroll” through the event tents outside. He made it clear to me that he was much too busy taking in the sites to pose for a good picture.

It was a good day, and thanks to your love, there will be many more good days ahead for Tux.


Your Correspondent,
