Update for Tux

Update for Tux

Dear Friend of Tux,

In this month known for chocolate, flowers, promises, and presidents, Tux wants you to know that you are loved, today, tomorrow, and every day of the year! This is Tux’s promise to you, because you are Tux’s special Valentine.

Lately, I’ve been thinking a great deal about promises. You may know that our mission here at Tabby’s Place is to “rescue cats from hopeless situations,” but it is the promise that we all make to those cats that really sets Tabby’s Place apart as a very special place. We promise to provide everything that each Tabby’s Place cat needs to survive and thrive no matter the cost.

Your monthly love and support of Tux is your promise to him, but it is so much more than that. Your promise to Tux is part of our promise to all Tabby’s Place cats that they will never want for food, shelter, medical care, or unconditional love. Without hearts like yours, we could not fulfill that promise.

Tux sees you.

Like you, the Tabby’s Place staff love deeply. We give our hearts to the cats each and everyday. We remind them that we see them and we love them, no matter what.

We don’t expect that every Tabby’s Place cat will appreciate our unconditional love, but that’s not why we love them.

So when a cat like Tux, always the gentleman with the super loud purr, looks back at you and says “I see you and I love you” with his eyes, trouble and worry melts away.

I’m happy to say that Tux has been enjoying the company of his Community Room friends this month and has been feeling quite well.

I don’t say this simply because there have been no medical developments this month for Tux, but because his spirits seem bright.

Tux loves you!

Tux has greeted me with his purrs and attentive gazes frequently this month. I don’t know if he has sensed that I needed these comforting interactions or if he is just feeling settled once again in the daily dynamics of the Community Room, but the reason doesn’t matter. The point is that when Tux makes eye contact with you and begins to hum his low purring melody, you know you are loved.

So thank you, dear friend, for making everyday feel like Valentine’s Day for Tux. He loves you unconditionally for sharing your heart with him!

Your Correspondent,