Update for Tux

Update for Tux

Dear Friends of Tux,

Can you believe that this is our last update of 2022?

It seems like only yesterday we were thinking about something called Quinn’s Corner, and now we are days away from receiving our temporary certificate of occupancy.

As Tux reflects on 2022, he is content with all that has come to pass, feeling both festive and curious.

Last month Tux’s beloved Community Room was remodeled. Fortunately, Tux is the sort of cat that takes things in stride. He asks for very little. Namely, that those he loves stay nearby and that a cozy elevated bed on which to perch and oversee his administrative duties between catnaps is always nearby.

So what happened in the Community Room? We went from three workstations to only one—the one belonging to Ginny and Tux. Our conference table and seating grew by one-third in length and we got new chairs to accommodate many more people. The storage cabinets were replaced. The walls were repainted. But the most important change for Tux was that his center of operation moved from one corner to another corner, where Ginny can more easily monitor the comings and goings of the Community Room.

Tux quickly settled into his new routine and location. He still visits the windows when he wants some sunshine, but if someone is working in the Community Room, he won’t miss an opportunity to get involved. There were several occasions for this over the month, and Tux did not disappoint. He curled up on my laptop bag when I spent a morning working at the conference table. He also curled up on Bree’s laptop bag when she was working there. The table served as a display of our merchandise for a couple of afternoons, and Tux plopped himself right down in the middle of all of it.

Tux inspects the inventory.

I have a funny tale to tell about Tux and his curiosity. It seems that Tux has decided to “see how the other half lives” for himself. On two different occasions this month, I have found Tux investigating the Lobby. The first time, I did a double take when I was collecting something from the reception desk and a tuxedoed cat strolled by.

Tux? What on earth are you doing out here?

The second time he was simply walking along the outer walls of the Lobby en route back to the Community Room.

So how did this happen? Well, to date, no one has seen him escape, so we have to conjecture.

Tux beans on Bree’s bag.

The change in temperature outside has ushered in our annual campaign to keep things comfortable inside Tabby’s Place. This is no easy feat as we have no fewer than six thermostats throughout the building. One half of the building will be frigid while the other half could roast chestnuts. This year the Community Room seems to be the warmest spot in the building. While the cats might think this is quite the treat, the humans that work in that space need a bit more cool air circulation. As a temporary arrangement, we are keeping the door between the Community Room and the Lobby open while humans are on site and working. We have installed a baby gate in the doorway. The gates that we use are designed to keep out all but the tiniest of kitties and tall enough to discourage nimble jumpers. We think that Tux squeezed himself through the side panels that are the littlest bit wider than the spaces between the rungs of the gate.

Happy New Year from me and Tux!

After the second adventure, we added plexiglass panels to the gate and I have yet to find Tux back in the Lobby. Using my Sherlocking skills, I think I know how these adventures were possible. Why Tux felt the need to adventure beyond his beloved room, we’ll never really know, but he is a cat and they are curious. Age has not diminished Tux’s spark.

Thank you for keeping Tux warm, cozy, healthy, and curious! We wish you a joyful transition into the New Year!

Your Correspondent,