Update for Tux

Update for Tux

Tux monitors the construction.

Dear Friends of Tux,

Big things are happening at Tabby’s Place and Tux scored a front-row seat!

As construction of our building expansion continues, Tux keeps a close watch on the comings and goings outside his favorite window. This month he got to be up close and personal (but safe behind a glass barrier) with some heavy machinery. While the noise was a bit distracting for me, who happened to be working by Tux’s side that afternoon, Tux was unphased by the ruckus. He did, however, want to share a bit of the excitement with you, his dear sponsor. Click here for a short Tux eye view of some earth moving.

Tux guards my work bag.

Tux and I have enjoyed some quality time together this month between my summer travels. On Wednesdays, we share a workspace and Tux is quite the faithful “watch cat” when it comes to guarding my personal belongings. Each time I enter the Community Room with my laptop bag and set it down near our workstation, Tux soon comes trotting over to settle down beside it. His devotion absolutely warms my heart. Sharing this space provides wonderful opportunities for extended grooming and petting sessions. Tux is known for his loud rumbling purr—the perfect white noise to create a productive setting.

Tux is a zen master when it comes to relaxation and meditation. His zen state can be a bit unsettling for those of us that see him remain in one place for hours on end. However, I frequently observe him snap to attention when there is important business at hand. Now that human meetings have resumed in the Community Room, Tux is a frequent participant. Sometimes he’ll select his chair at the conference table and other times he’ll patrol the table from end to end looking for attention. We only begin to worry if Tux ignores an opportunity to engage in the special activity of the day.

While Tux’s overall health has been stable, this month presented some GI challenges for our sweet boy. Feeling constipated is absolutely no fun, and Tux knows this from personal experience. Discomfort at one end can quickly lead to distress in other areas. This month Tux has faced both constipation and nausea. Through it all, Tux does not complain. He braves his treatments (enemas) and returns to his happy-go-lucky self. But recently, the benefits of this treatment do not seem to last, so our medical team is trying a new strategy. Tux now receives oral lactulose (which makes things more lubricated in his GI system) twice each day to spread out the effects. We are hopeful that this will provide him increased comfort on a regular basis.

Zen master, Tux.

Tux and I hope that you have been making the most of the lazy days of summer and taking some time to master your own zen moments. He is so grateful to have your love and support each and every day.

Your Correspondent,