Update for the TNR Fund

Update for the TNR Fund

Happy spring, Team TNR!

No, I’m not jumping the gun. There’s something called “meteorological spring,” and it begins March 1st rather than March 21st…so the sweetest season has already begun. I hope you’re enjoying it already, as shy buds begin gazing up at us and fresh hope starts peeking around every corner.

Hope is always in season for our community cats, thanks to you. This spring, one sweet, shy little fella is thanking you for giving him a true springtime of the soul.

Meet Jared.

We first met this precious boy in one of our longtime TNR colonies. As you know, Tabby’s Place maintains a commitment to every cat colony we assist. The promise, “once a Tabby’s Place cat, always a Tabby’s Place cat” extends to our TNR kitties, so we have boots on the ground regularly monitoring every one of our colonies. This way, we can be sure we’re there for any cat who becomes ill or injured…or any newcomers who may arrive in need of spaying, neutering, and the tender Tabby’s Place treatment that makes outdoor life a life worth living.

As soon as our team spotted Jared, they knew he was (a) new and (b) in need of our immediate love. Extremely underweight and rather anemic, Jared was all eyes…and all sweetness. Unlike truly feral cats, Jared jumped for joy at our affection (well, not literally — he was too weak for that). We fear this gentle soul may have been abandoned.

But sorrow at his story has quickly given way to hope and gratitude. Whatever led him to our colony, Jared is now ours, and so Jared is now on the road to recovery and rejoicing. Our vet team is treating his anemia, our entire team is lavishing him with love and serious smorgasbords, and we have every reason to believe he’s going to thrive. His blood work is normal other than his anemia, and he’s already making a case for adoption with everyone he meets.

It’s a springtime story for a cat who’s seen too much winter.

I pray winter is fading into sunshine and sturdy joy for each of you, dear sponsors. We have all been through a year that defies description, but all sorts of windows are beginning to open in our world. In good times and inscrutable times, your steadfast love restores my hope. Know that all of us at Tabby’s Place take courage knowing there are people like you in this world.

Have a beautiful month, and thank you for your phenomenal generosity to cats like Jared!

Your correspondent,