Update for the TNR Fund

Update for the TNR Fund

Happy December, team TNR!

I truly hope this monthly missive finds you happy, and cozy, and filled with hope. We’ve made it to the final month of an inscrutable year, and while we don’t know just what 2021 will bring, we know — in ways we couldn’t have imagined in December 2019 — that we have the strength, the grace, and the love to face it together.

This time last month, bug-babies Grasshopper, Cicada, Beetle and Bumblebee were together and terrified. Born to a feral mama, they had never faced anything so fearsome as a pack of humans determined to love them.

But somewhere between Halloween and Thanksgiving, tenacious little miracles began to unfold. In the loving foster care of staff and volunteers, the bug-babies learned things beyond their wildest dreams.

Love is safe.

Hugs are good.

Fun is everywhere.

I would love to make some grand statement here about how the kittens allowed themselves to trust and take a leap of faith. But the truth is, they made no such choice; love was forced upon them.

The good news is, that’s good news for worried kittens…and for us.

Sometimes we just don’t have it in us to open our own hearts. Fear can finagle such a death-grip that we’re just not able to trust another person, or animal, or life itself. But just in time, along comes a love that’s stronger and kinder and gentler than we can imagine, and sure enough, we find ourselves letting it shelter us and bring us to life.

If it can happen to four bugged-out feral kittens, it can happen to you and to me.

And if miracles can make our world merry in the waning days of 2020, who can yet dream what 2021 will bring?

Come what may, the new year will be a safe harbor for littles like the bug-babies, thanks to you. Dear and devoted sponsors, you have been our anchor and our heart’s joy this year more than ever. In the most uncertain times of our lives, you’ve remained steady, generous, loving and committed to cats who may never be able to thank you in person…but will most certainly thank you by their flourishing.

On behalf of every cat Tabby’s Place has cherished in this baffling year, I thank you from the depths of my heart.

You are a wonder!

God bless you and all your dear ones this holiday season, and as we turn our faces to a new, hope-full year…always together.

Love, your correspondent,