April Springtime Greetings to you, and to everyone like you who cherishes kittens year-round!
Everyone who fosters kittens for Tabby’s Place certainly cherishes them as well. Late in March, I got to meet a number of them as Tabby’s Place held a Roundtable to recruit more people for the foster roster. I’ve always believed that cat people are good people, but after meeting the foster humans, I’d add a corollary that kitten people are the best. (Reminds me of a newspaper article I read last month entitled “Do We Pamper Our Pets Too Much?” Now that is a classic example of Betteridge’s Law of Headlines. Short answer: “No.”)

Before getting to the foster kittens, a big “well done” to one of the foster humans I met at the Roundtable. Tiffany Karcher is an Adoptions Counselor and Foster Coordinator and has just celebrated her 2nd anniversary at Tabby’s Place. Tiff has six cats of her own at home, ranging in age from 15 years to 5 months. The youngest is Gutter, an official Foster Failure (TM). Gutter and 9-month-old Church are pictured here.
During the Roundtable meeting, the new Foster Team lead, Tiana Thomas, was at the head of the table and can be seen (blurrily) in the background of this photo. That’s handsome black Aries contributing his presence and inspiration to the group.

Wouldn’t all meetings be better with a cat or two present?
Tiana provided pictures of queen Jupiter, and her babies Ganymede, Io, Callisto & Europa. Tiana also cared for Uni recently after the latter’s surgery and was in foster with her while she recovered. Uni bounced back better than before and has moved into one of the suites at Tabby’s Place.
In the interest of “Show, don’t tell,” here’s Uni and her suitemate Mort starring in a little video. Last month, foster mom Donna mentioned that Symphony’s kittens were on their way to forever homes. Since then, Donna has welcomed gray lady cat Almond, and her kittens Oat and Soy. That’s Almond at the top of the page, and here’s a closer look at the three of them at home.

Here are a few more good kittens: Delaney (fostered by Zahra) was adopted last month, and when she left, three works of art named Kahlo, Monet, and Dali came in.
All three arrived with eye issues. Kahlo needed to have them removed. She is understandably nervous, but I’m told she’s very sweet and enjoys attention. She, Monet, and Dali are settling in nicely in the kitten suite.
That’s going to have to do it for this month, but before I go, if you’re like me and remember the story “Millions of Cats” from childhood, I can tell you that this year it went into the public domain and can be found in its entirety at this link. If you borrow books from a library, at least one public library has amended its payment policy for overdue material fines — if you don’t have change, they’ll gladly accept cat pictures!
Wishing you pleasant reading and all good things,
Your correspondent,