Update for the Kitten Fund

Update for the Kitten Fund

Dear Fans of the Kittens,


Did you know that in addition to March 17th being St. Patrick’s Day, it is also St. Gertrude’s Day? She is the patron saint of cats (and travelers and gardeners). This gives pause (or paws):  Should March 17th actually be changed to Happy St. Catrick’s Day? Definitely a matter for consideration.

Tabby’s Place continues to be a place for celebration as the Quinn’s Corner expansion moves towards the final stretch and some of our sweet kittens continue to find their forever homes.

Pickles is an older kitten who just came back from fostering. Trapped in a feral colony in January, she is a bit wary of people, but quite zesty, and especially enjoys playtime with Walker.

Doodles (a slightly more mature kitten) was spayed and went to her forever home. We are pleased to report that our little nugget from last month, Octavia, with all the medical challenges related to her eyes, was adopted into her forever home. When special cats meet their special people that really reflects the essence of why a place like Tabby’s Place exists.


Triceratops appears to be doing well and enjoying her time in foster care. She had a wound on her hind leg stub that was being soaked and she is receiving injectable antibiotics. She has responded well to treatments and seems to be thriving.

Luvs, who is aptly named because she is reported to be highly lovable, is a new kitten who is incontinent due to spina bifida. She is a mobile little girl who has no tail and came to Tabby’s Place with a significant urinary tract infection (UTI). A UTI is not usual in incontinent cats because of wear on the bladder from expressing. This condition is being treated and she is being well taken care of while living in foster care with Karina. Struggles aside, the silver lining here is that she is adorable, playful, and enjoys vocalizing (especially when being expressed). That seems like a very appropriate response to the latter. Hopefully, this month will see the end of her medical struggles.

Luvs loves playing!

Please accept our appreciation for all that you do to support the mission of Tabby’s Place and make it possible for us to meet the needs of these kittens that have endured sometimes desperate situations.

Your correspondent,