Update for the Kitten Fund

Update for the Kitten Fund

Puss n’ Boots

Dear Sponsors,

Holiday Greetings to All! The bustle never stops at the Tabby’s Place workshop. If ever there was a season that had no end, it would have to be “kitten season.” Mama cats have been prolific this year, and so the little nuggets keep coming.

The story of our newest arrivals, two little girls named Soup and Salad, is sure to pull at your heartstrings. They were literally rescued from the middle of the road by staff members. With this having been such a busy season, the foster homes were all filled, so they spent their first week at Tabby’s Place.

Soon, the sisters began to lose weight and appeared ill. The action plan to help build their strength involved supplementing them with syringe feeding. Luckily, they were also able to move into foster care with a staff member. The combination of these interventions did the trick, because both little cuties have an appetite and are getting stronger every day.

Soup and Salad

Tabby’s Place continues to be grateful to our network of guardian angels. Our foster care system supports so many of our most fragile residents, especially kittens. November arrivals Ron, Hermione, Puss n’ Boots, and Dolores are currently being showered with love in foster homes.

Meanwhile, three shy TNR kittens, Nat, Shoresy and Sanguinet, are starting to see that humans can be more useful than originally thought. They are being fostered by a staff member and are growing comfortable with humans all the time. One of them was treated for an infection and has made a full recovery.

Our “game night” trio, Yahtzee, Othello, and Chess, who also arrived in November, are robust and thriving in their foster home. After receiving the Tabby’s Place “spa treatment” (that is, spaying/neutering), ia slew of babies are Home for the Holidays in their forever homes. Outnumbering the reindeer are Arondir & Bronwyn, Lita & Sebastian, Alamo & Stagecoach, Cinnamon Bun & Ezri, and Tumbleweed and Earl.

Shoresy, Nat, and Sanguinet

Your support makes so many wonderful things possible at Tabby’s Place. We appreciate your commitment to our mission, and we’re so glad that you are part of our family.

We have been fortunate to have gained many new volunteers recently. But, we continue to have openings as we move towards the opening of Quinn’s Corner, so if you know anyone who may be interested, please direct them to our website to fill out an application.

Happy Holidays to you and all your dear ones, and we hope that this season is filled with much joy and peace for you.

Warmest Holiday Wishes from your correspondent,