Update for Steven

Update for Steven

Happy February, Friends!

Steven is enjoying this season of love and hopes you are doing well.  It has been quite a month for Steven, so let’s get started.

Steven joyfully cleared Ringworm Quarantine and moved into a temporary new space along with his buddy, Boom. Prior to his clearing, he was displaying increased discomfort and some loss of mobility in his hind end. To help him build up strength and provide some psychological relief, the staff started providing time for him to be out of a cage in Ringworm. They kept the other cat elevated, and set up food, water, litter, and cozy blankets on the floor of Ringworm for Steven to stretch his legs during the hours when staff was in the building. He enjoyed this and would often try to prolong his release time by squeezing himself under the cages when the evening staff person would enter the room! He’s no dummy!  Now that he is out in a suite again, we are monitoring his comfort and mobility in hopes that we can lower his pain medication.

Steven is loving life in our new wing, Quinn’s Corner, which will open officially later this year.  He has a brand new room to share with Boom and has a large, beautiful window to see outdoors, as well as a new solarium to explore.  It’s a bit chilly so he’s been inside, but he can see the great outdoors right from the comfort of his room!  He has been spending quite a bit of time in the cat tree that is right by the door to the room.  All of the doors and front wall in the expansion are glass and Steven can see everything that is going on in the building. As soon as someone walks by his room, he looks out of the cat tree cubby with such a cute “come see me” look, that pretty much everyone walking by comes and sees him.  He has been getting a lot of attention and love.

I have spent some time with Steven in the last few weeks and am so happy to see my buddy again.  I missed him when he had ringworm.  He so loves attention and I have been thrilled to give him some.  I have taken visitors to see him and hope to have kids reading to him soon as well.  He is still a bit wobbly from his time in isolation, but now that he has so much room to move around, he should be back to his old self soon enough.  I am just thrilled that he has been given the opportunity to hang out in lovely Quinn’s Corner.

Steven and I wish you well and hope that you have a wonderful month.  Thank you for loving Steven as I do.  Your support of him is extraordinary and we are both so grateful.  We will be back next month with another update!  Be well.

Your correspondent,