Update for Pepita

Update for Pepita

Happy May to all Pepita fans!

Kitties galore in the solarium! At last the warm weather has arrived, much to Pepita’s delight. And her usual solarium pals Adam, Steven, and Rose are also partaking in the sun basking, fresh air, and bird watching. Some days were summer-hot already, but as I write this update the days are back to normal spring temperatures along with spring showers. When I hear the birds singing in the spring, I think that “birdsong could be thought of as blossom in sound,” as the naturalist Michael McCarthy notes in his writings. What an interesting and new way to think about the sound of birds singing!

Amazingly, Chewbacca has become a regular in the solarium as well (after several years of being a kitty who just didn’t budge from the indoors). One never knows what prompts a furry baby finally to visit the solarium. They certainly know it’s there and see their suitemates coming and going. Whatever spurred him to hit the tube and head to the fresh air was cause for delight. Chewie, as we affectionately call him, is one very shy kitty who isn’t very fond of humans but does like to curl up with Mary in a big bed at the top of the indoor ramp. Perhaps he felt the breeze through the tube opening that leads to the solarium. Perhaps he wanted to get away from some agitating indoor kitties, though there have not been any significant dynamics indoors in his suite. Whatever the case, he looks happy out there with Pepita and crew, and happy cats is what we’re all about!

It’s been a joyful month of good health for our little girl. Other than some normal-for-Pepita weight fluctuations, “Pepeets” hasn’t made any appearances on our vet list. During my visits, she has been high energy in the solarium, bopping about and taking love from all the visitors. I think of her as forever stalking joy!

Recently we had a photographer taking pictures of our Tabby’s Place Board of Trustees members with kitties, to include in a profile of the board. So, you will see a picture of me this month here with our sweet girl in the solarium. She was, as always, the perfect model, admittedly a most beautiful girl. I swear she was born for the camera and lights and should be in show business!

As Mother’s Day approached, it brought to Tabby’s Place a few momma kitties and their litters, as well as some soon-to-be-mommas. Yes, it’s kitten season! Tiny, one-day old Maeve was found without her momma and needed a real cat mom and siblings. Mom Tiana stepped in and welcomed Maeve with open arms, immediately nuzzling and grooming her as one of her own. Lots of kittens are rolling in now and Tabby’s Place is a wonderful place for them to land and get the individual care they need to grow into big kitties. Some are so tiny that they need to be bottle-fed if there is no momma cat, and most need wonderful foster families to help them grow and get socialized. Luckily, Tabby’s Place has the loving care of staff and volunteers to help the kittens and provide a wonderful home until they are adopted.

May is National Pet Month in the United States, which builds awareness for responsible pet ownership and celebrates the benefits pets bring to people’s lives—and vice versa. We see the benefits of pets every day in how the interactions of our staff, volunteers and visitors with Tabby’s Place precious felines makes us all feel. We see it in the “Paws to Read” program where young children read to the cats. We see it in the program where elderly cat lovers come and sit with our furry babies. Please celebrate this special month with any feline favorites you have, and by knowing how much your support means to Pepita and all of us at Tabby’s Place.

Thank you for providing such hygge (Danish for ‘a quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being’) for our sweet girl. We hope that you had a wonderful Mother’s Day and wish you a fabulous remainder of the month of May!