Update for Pepita

Update for Pepita

How comfy is this blanket in my favorite outdoor spot?

Dearest Valentines of Sweet Pepita,

What a terrific month Pepita has been having! Her health is good!  She is off the antibiotics as her urine culture results were negative.

She is relishing the cold—but not frigid—air in the solarium as she curls up on the bench, all snug in a blanket, or sprawls on a heated pad with a thin blanket on top to let the warmth through.  This is clearly her jam, competing only with her shenanigans in the tube that leads from the indoor suite to the solarium.

Some days she pauses there, indecisive about whether to proceed outside. Other days she waits patiently in the tube for the landscaper outside to finish making noise outside her solarium!

Do I want to go outside? Hmmmm… let me think about it.

She has much to do when in the solarium, including the making of the muffins, as you can see below. This is serious business!



Mr. Landscaper, please finish out there!!!

In this month of love, Pepita wants to close this update by noting just how deeply she loves you!  Taking a page from Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s “How Do I Love Thee?” our sweet girl wants to count the whys rather than the ways she loves you:

She loves you for the way she knows you smile when you look at the photos of her in her solarium, in the tube, curled up snoozing, making muffins, and being loved by everyone.

She loves you because you think of her often, wondering what she is doing in that moment.

She loves you if and when you visit and get to pet her soft fur and be bestowed with whisker kisses and lap time.

Making muffins is important work, and I’m great at it!

She loves you for the feeling you have in your heart when you know how you help make her life at Tabby’s Place not just possible, but plentiful and beautiful.

She loves you for the dedication you have to her each and every month to care for her special needs.

Pepita loves you to the to the depth and breadth and height her soul can reach!! As do all of us at Tabby’s Place. May every day of your year be filled with Valentines and love as in this month of love. We could not do what we do without your amazing love and kindness.

Ut-oh! What are you staring at? This is my best side, you know!

Your correspondent,