Update for Olive

Update for Olive

Olive objects to something or someone (maybe Oliver?)

Hello, Olive Lovers!

Are you ready for another update on our lobby greeter?

We’re very pleased with the complete lack of medical news for Olive this month. She’s been doing nicely over the past four weeks—eating well, checking out our many visitors, and napping early and often.

One note about “eating well;” we have had to limit treat-giving in the lobby to staff members only. Several members of our lobby crew, including Miss Olive, have gained too much weight over time. A great many volunteers love to give our cats treats, and Olive has indulged herself a little too often. She’ll still get some treats, of course, but she really does not need to gain more weight.

Could it be nap time now?

Our lobby cast of characters changes frequently. Recently, we introduced Oliver, an elderly orange male. He was an immediate favorite with the humans, but not so much with Olive.

This was not altogether our girl’s fault; despite generally gentlemanly behavior toward the other lobby felines, Oliver went after Olive on several occasions, including one instance where she was sleeping peacefully. Fortunately for all parties concerned, by the time you read this, Oliver should be settling into his new home.

Olive & Prescott–ensuring proper visitor greeting and guest book sign-ins!

Since we’ve discontinued Olive’s stroller rides, we’ve noticed she doesn’t appear unhappy about that—an indication that we made a good decision. Unlike some other felines who enjoy their stroller rides, Olive does not scoot over to the stroller if it happens to be in the lobby; she might go over to sniff it if she hasn’t seen the stroller in a while, but she quickly loses interest.

I’d like her to have more enrichment and have been hoping that she can get out onto the grass in an enclosure, but this summer has been so hot that we’ve had to be extremely careful about giving any of our cats outdoor exposure. Maybe it will start to cool down enough soon for Olive to be outside for a while.

Whatever the season, we love our feisty girl. Thank you for helping us help Olive!

Your correspondent,
