Update for Olive

Update for Olive

Hello, Olive Fanciers!

Time for another update on our lobby greeter. Medically, there isn’t much to report, thank goodness. There were several nights over the past month when we deliberately left Olive without a diaper. She was too upset and cranky to stay still for the diapering process, and we’ve discovered that leaving her without a diaper appears to stimulate the elimination process and speed things along the way.

Tabby’s Place has a new lobby resident, Smokey. Olive likes Smokey’s food, but she’s not allowed to have it. She’s tried repeatedly to steal food from Smokey, but to date, we’ve usually caught her in the act and have removed the food. This does not help her mood, but it’s much better for her in the long run.

Some kind person donated handmade catnip toys to us, and somewhat to my surprise, Olive has been going crazy over them (for some reason, I had thought she wasn’t affected by catnip). We have a very cute video of Olive going to town on these toys. You can see it here: Olive’s Catnip Adventure!

I was in recently on a weekend and saw a couple come into the lobby. The man got down on the floor and reached out a hand to Olive. As I always do, I cautioned him that she can be very temperamental. I was astonished to see the man giving our girl a good skritch on one side of her neck, an arrangement which obviously met with her approval, as she permitted it for at least three full minutes. Eventually, Olive had had enough and snapped at the man, but he wasn’t upset by that at all. It seems that he has an equally temperamental feline at home (as well as an endless supply of patience, apparently). He’s accustomed to his cat having a short fuse, so he’s not annoyed or surprised if it happens with another cat. Do you think we can persuade him that his household isn’t complete unless he has two volatile cats?

One more note here, which is not related to our feisty girl. On Sunday, June 23rd, Tabby’s Place will be hosting a Kitten Shower from noon to 4 pm. There will be tours of the facility, refreshments, and, of course, ridiculously cute kittens. If you live within reasonable driving distance, we’d love to see you there.

We love Olive in all of her many moods, and we’re so grateful that you’ve decided to help us care for her. Thank you!

Your correspondent,