Update for Olive

Update for Olive

Happy Summer, Olive Fans! Here’s the latest news about our girl.

First and foremost, here’s the medical news. In any cat shelter, ringworm is always going to be a potential problem. You have many cats in close proximity, and it’s highly contagious. Further, cats with ringworm have to be isolated from the general population. They are treated both with oral medications and with a “dip” into a solution that combats ringworm, and typically the treatment lasts for at least several weeks. So you can imagine our concern when we noticed that Olive had a small, irritated lesion between two of her rear toes. We cleaned the area thoroughly and checked it, but fortunately for all parties concerned, it was not suspicious for ringworm. We are all very grateful for this!

In last month’s update, I introduced you to Mika, a young and very energetic new member of the lobby. Contrary to my expectations, she has not yet been adopted. But it seems that this young lady is a quick study, and she has already learned to give Olive a wide berth whenever possible. As I had guessed, Olive’s tolerance for a bouncy feline who did not keep her distance was minimal indeed.

Construction on our expansion is finished (we’ll be inviting everyone in to tour it this fall, so stay tuned). Unlike the other lobby residents, I wonder if Olive isn’t missing the upheaval just a bit. The noises and activity that upset so many of our feline residents only attracted her. The newest addition to the lobby is a small robot named Rosie. This robot is set to distribute a treat when a cat gets close, so it has become quite popular with most of the cats. And there’s always something happening from a feline point of view in our lobby, whether it’s a new toy to be investigated, a type of food Olive shouldn’t be getting into but really wants, or a leaf blowing past the front entrance.  So she’ll be just fine.

Rosie, the treat-giving robot!

A big part of the reason Olive can continue to be “just fine” is your generosity; we couldn’t provide a loving home for her (and others like her) without you. Thank you!

By the way, if you enjoy stories about our cats, you may enjoy our blog, where we post at least three times every week.

Your correspondent,