Update for Olive

Update for Olive

Hips and Olive: Imagine that!

Greetings, Olive fanciers!

Ready for another update on our little lobby greeter? Olive has enjoyed a month of stable good health, and long may it last! It’s always delightful to be able to give you a good medical report on our girl.

It’s possible that there’s some sort of quiet revolution going on in the Tabby’s Place lobby. If you have followed Olive’s doings for any length of time, you understand that she is not fond of other members of her own species and is not afraid to demonstrate that—at least, that’s been the case until quite recently. But over the past month, on at least two occasions, Olive has been seen curled up very close to fellow lobby resident Hips. It seems unlikely that these two would become friends; Hips is not always the most even-keeled feline, and we’re all familiar with Olive’s temperament. But there are multiple witnesses who tell me the two were sleeping peacefully very near to one another. Stay tuned for further developments!

I’m thankful for many things in this month of Thanksgiving. Among those things is your beneficent spirit. Whether you’ve been a fan of Olive’s for years or have just recently signed on as one of her devotees, your support is the cornerstone of our ability to provide loving care to Olive and many other Special Needs cats like her.

Happy Holidays to you and yours, but please pay no attention when Olive demands leftover turkey!

Your correspondent,