Update for Olive

Update for Olive

Hello, Olive Aficionados!

Ready for another update on our girl?

Medical news first: for the time being, Olive’s loose stool seems to have resolved, though she had at least one more bout of it since her last update. We don’t always know exactly what causes this, although our feisty young lady does have a long-standing habit of getting into food she shouldn’t eat. As usual, we will watch her to see if this recurs.

Olive in deep thought

Olive’s fascination with the Tabby’s Place expansion, Quinn’s Corner, continues. There has been a flurry of activity at the expansion recently, and our little lobby greeter seemed especially interested when the new individual spaces in the additional parking area were being marked with white lines.

Obviously, she had no idea what was happening, but it wouldn’t surprise me if she thought all of the human activity was somehow centered around her. When Olive is not eating or napping or having to exert her authority as self-proclaimed queen of the lobby, you are sure to see her little face staring out our front door. For the contractors, it must be like having a supervisor following everything they do.

Olive is investigating newcomer, Barney

Olive is always interested when a new cat arrives in her precious lobby. Barney was still in his crate, getting used to being in a strange place, hiding under a blanket, when Olive decided to investigate. Rather than going right up to the front of his crate, she decided to go under a small ladder that was next to his crate and investigate from there, which was closer to where Barney was burrowing under his blanket. She is quite the creative girl when it comes to patrolling her lobby.

We are aware that it will be challenging to find Olive a forever home, but we continue to hope that the right person or family will walk through our door. Until that time, we’ll keep right on looking after our lobby greeter—something we couldn’t accomplish without your generosity. Thank you!

Your correspondent,