Update for Olive

Update for Olive

Greetings, Olive Fans!

Our little feisty lobby greeter had quite a month on the medical front. You’ll be pleased to know that no staff members were harmed during her monthly weigh-in and nail trim, but the staff did notice that her mouth seemed rather inflamed again. The result? She was sedated for a dental exam and had a few more teeth removed. Fortunately, she handled the anesthesia like a champion and recovered from it quickly and easily. We’ll wait a little longer before examining her mouth again but are expecting significant improvement.

It was also noticed that Olive was passing very concentrated and strong-smelling urine. As a rule, that’s an indicator of a urinary tract infection, but no infection was found. We’ll keep a close eye on her in case one crops up.

Our lovely Olive

Last month, fellow lobby resident Bellamy had been seen bullying Olive on several occasions. His behavior is still challenging us, but his bullying has been directed at Olive less frequently, which is good news indeed.

Olive and all of us at Tabby’s Place would love your help in expanding our family—with volunteers! Last month I mentioned our need for additional volunteers as we prepare for our Quinn’s Corner expansion, which will open later this year. From cleaning to feeding to delivering tender affection, volunteers make a huge impact on our cats’ lives. If you have a heart for cats, we have a role perfectly fit for you at Tabby’s Place.

Interested in joining up? If you, or anyone in your own “family” of cat lovers, can come aboard, please visit our volunteer page, submit a volunteer application, or contact our Director of Volunteers, Karina Jewitt, at kj@tabbysplace.org. Please note that volunteers must be 12 years or older, and a parent must accompany those under 16 during their volunteer shift. Please share this opportunity with your loved ones! If you live too far to join us in person, we know that you’re still with us in spirit and through your generosity.

Thank you!

Your correspondent,