Update for Olive

Update for Olive

Happy New Year, Olive aficionados!

Olive, surrounded by the wonderful toys she received!

Ready for another update on our feisty girl? I’d begin with the medical news first, but I’m very pleased to be able to report that there is no medical news for the past month. Olive has enjoyed a month of stable good health. As always, we are grateful for that and hope it will continue indefinitely.

Our little lobby greeter got a special delivery last month. Some of her human fans sent her cat toys. Olive was delighted and was seen playing with her new treasures.

When it comes to super feline skills in hunting down food, we have to believe that nobody beats our Olive. Whether she’s hooking kibble out of a crate in the lobby with a front paw or stealing treats meant for somebody else, this young lady is relentless in her pursuit.

Olive helping the staff play Telestrations after lunch!

When she does take a break from her great passion, she continues to be fascinated by the set-up for the humans on the front porch of Tabby’s Place. There are two enormous space heaters and two tables, so the staff can still gather for lunch but be safe while they do so. Naturally, Olive would love to investigate beyond staring out the front door, particularly since she sees people eating, but of course, we can’t allow that.

Olive, helping the volunteers clean the lobby by guarding the trash bag

On very cold or wet days the staff eat separately and then gather with their masks and distanced in the lobby to chat or play a game. They have played several rounds of Telestrations and Olive joined in the one day to bat at the dry erase pens. She can be such a funny girl!

Olive is simultaneously a wonder and a challenge, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Thank you for helping us keep our curious girl well cared for.

Your correspondent,