Update for Olive

Update for Olive

Greetings, Olive Sponsors!

Is it hot enough for you, Olive aficionados? If you live on the East Coast of the US, you already know the answer to that question.  And if you don’t live in this area, Olive has probably been wondering why it’s taking you so long to come to visit her. Our little lobby greeter continues to cause us to shake our heads in wonder, with her (mostly) friendly and tolerant ways toward visitors, a side of her personality rarely seen by our staff.

Medical news for Olive? There is none, and that’s the very best kind! She has had a trouble-free month.

Of course, “trouble-free” is something of a relative term for our temperamental girl. She still displays her typical drama when she’s being expressed, and that can get unnerving when a lot of people are around. Just recently, a Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) class was being held at Tabby’s Place, and while the class was on a break, it was Olive’s time to be expressed.

The noise started as soon as a staffer tried to catch her (Olive, who’s no fool, was already under a chair at that point). It took our hapless staffer several attempts to catch Olive, and, once she had, the decibel level increased markedly. Olive hissed, growled, and yelled during the entire procedure. As soon as she was released, the temper tantrum stopped, and once again America was safe for democracy.

There’s a new girl in town. Well, to be more accurate, there are two of them.

Nina, who has a neurological disorder called cerebellar hypoplasia (CH, for short) and Dani, who is a partial paraplegic, have joined the crew in our lobby. As I write this, both Nina and Dani are separated from the other lobby cats, though everyone can see and sniff everyone else. We’ll have to keep an eye on Olive once the new felines are no longer being kept separate. As you know, she’s not afraid to tangle with any feline who annoys her (even unintentionally) or of whom she disapproves. We don’t need Olive to be best friends with any cats in the lobby, of course; all we ask for is peaceful coexistence. Here’s hoping that we’ll get it!

As always, thank you so much for helping us take care of our feisty girl.

Your correspondent,