Update for Kitten Fund

Update for Kitten Fund

Hello, Devotees of the Kittens!

Weetabix, Frootloop, and Krispie couldn’t look any more adorable!

The kitten community connected to Tabby’s Place continues to be flourishing and far-reaching as it encompasses the foster community as well. There is nothing like being part of a family that will give a kitten the socialization that they need to be well-balanced little felines.

Such is the case for our cereal trio. Weetabix, Frootloop, and Krispie. They are now all eating on their own and have moved to a new foster home. They are photogenic and got the message that they should maintain the highest level possible of adorableness until their forever home is well secured.

In one of the colonies, a new pregnant mother made her debut. On the X-ray, she appeared to be carrying three healthy-looking kittens that looked ready to come into the world. Little Mama went into foster care and has recently given birth to three healthy little nuggets of cuteness.

Patches and her newborns

Our sweet mama, Patches, is doing a beautiful job of caring for her babies and even accepted another orphaned kitten into her little brood. Read about it in this ‘hot off the press’ blog: Mothership.

In the case of Spork, there is a happy ending. Little Spork got a case of a kitten virus which our vet tech has noted often hits a week or so after their first vaccinations. He spiked a fever, was lethargic, and was uninterested in eating. He was given some subcutaneous fluids and medication to help him to feel better, along with an appetite stimulant. It took five days, and now he is back to his happy playful self. Good news all around this month.

Spork and Crumpet

Your support makes even the tough times easier to weather and for that, we are eternally grateful. Thank you so very much for your kindness.

Your correspondent,