Update for Jude

Update for Jude

Dear Jude Friend,

Jude had a very good month this month. She only had 5 Grand Mal seizures, which is less than she usually has, and all of them were on the mild side. She also had 2 episodes of cluster seizures. Cluster seizures are very mild seizures, and Jude is still awake when she has cluster seizures. It basically makes her legs twitch and jump a little, and she also has some facial twitching. When Jude is having cluster seizures it doesn’t slow her down, she will still go about her day without it bothering her too much. The cluster seizures usually last 15-30 minutes for Jude, and then they stop.

We did take blood from Jude this month, so we could run her bloodwork to see if the levels are correct in her system. This is mostly for her phenobarbital, which is her main seizure medication. The blood work showed her phenobarbital level is in the therapeutic range, so that is good. We are not changing her dose at this time.
Jude does not do well going to Tabby’s Place for blood work (or anything else for that matter), as it stresses her out too much. One of our awesome vet techs came to my house to take Jude’s blood, so Jude could stay home and not be stressed. Jude growled at her a little but was actually very well-behaved for the blood draw.

Jude and Warren – buddies!

Jude is still enjoying her friendship with Warren (as you can see from the pictures). She did get mad at him the other day for trying to play with her tail, but as soon as she growled at him he stopped immediately. Warren will jump into Jude’s playpen several times during the night, and I think she likes the company. During the day, when she is out in the room, she scoots around a lot, and Warren is very good at getting out of her way if she is scooting towards him. I wonder if he knows she is mostly blind.  Warren is only a few months old, but he’s already a little bigger than Jude. Our Jude is a small girl.

Jude had a few baths this month, but not too many. She has been pretty clean this month. She did manage to scoot through her wet food a few times and got very sticky, so she needed a bath to get nice and clean again. Jude does groom herself, but she doesn’t do the best job and needs a little help.

These two get along great!

Jude is getting better and better at accepting pets, which makes me so happy! Every night we have a pet session, and she really enjoys it! At one time I couldn’t even get in one pet before she would get mad at me. I really enjoy our pet sessions now, and she even leans into pets! I love this little girl so much!

That’s all the Jude news for now. As always, we can’t thank you enough for your support of our little girl. We couldn’t do this without you.

Your correspondent,