Update for Jude

Update for Jude

Dear Jude Friend,

At the end of our last update, we had just sent Jude’s bloodwork out for testing to find out if she could have an increase in her medication for seizures. It is important to check this level before just increasing the medication because it can cause other health issues if the dose is too high.

The results came back a few days later, and it did show that she was not getting enough phenobarbital, which is the main medication she takes for seizures (she does take a few other meds, but that is the most important one). When the vet team was able to see the results, they immediately increased her medication dose. So far it does seem to be helping to some extent. She only had 7 seizures this past month, and all but one of them only lasted around 20-30 seconds and were milder than I have seen lately. Jude’s seizures had become quite violent, so I am happy to see them calming down a bit.

Jude has to have more bloodwork done in a few weeks, and we will reevaluate her medication at that time. We know Jude will always have seizures and will always have health issues, but we want to get all of these things as well controlled as we can for her, of course.

Jude had a few baths again this month, and we know she doesn’t like a bath, but it is necessary. She will often scoot through poop or food, and get it all over herself. We try to watch her closely, but inevitably she will manage to poop when we are not in the room. We do check on her very often, so she is never dirty for very long. I did get her another washable rug recently, so she always has one. She doesn’t do well on the wood floor, she can’t get a good grip, so it’s much better for her to be on a carpet at all times. She has her large, comfy cat bed right on the edge of the rug, which she loves to sleep in, but a few times lately I have found Luvs sleeping in Jude’s bed. Jude really doesn’t seem to mind at all and will allow Luvs to sleep in her bed for a while. Jude will happily sleep nearby, while her friend enjoys the comfy bed. Luvs has beds of her own, of course, but I think she enjoys her visits with Jude, and I know Jude enjoys the company too.

Lately, Jude has been allowing me to pet her for several minutes without growling at me! She even seems to be enjoying it!! This can ONLY be at bedtime (for some reason)—other times of the day do not work for Jude, and she just gets angry if I try. Bedtime, however, has become acceptable for attention, and she will even lean into my hand for pets. I can scratch her chin, and even pet down her whole body, which was never allowed before. I am not sure what brought about the change, but I am so happy she is allowing some pets, so I will take whatever I can get.

I have been adding a probiotic into Jude’s wet food, to try and help her stool not be as soft, and she LOVES it! She will happily eat all of the food that contains it and seems to really like the taste. Most of the cats at Tabby’s Place also really like it, so whatever they put in it must be tasty.

That’s all the Jude news for now. Thank you so much for being Jude’s friend, and for always giving her your support—it is very much appreciated.

Your correspondent,