Update for Jude

Update for Jude

Dear Jude Friend,

Our little Jude had a fairly rough month with seizures, especially in the first part of the last month. Jude was having a seizure either every day or every other day, and I was worried about our little Jude. As usual, Jude’s seizures all happened in the middle of the night, except for one which happened early evening. I am not sure why most of her seizures happen in the middle of the night,  but it seems to be most common between 2 AM and 4 AM. Our vet team is in contact with Jude’s neurologist to see if there is anything else we can do, but she is already on high doses of all the medication. Then about halfway through the last month, the intense seizures stopped, which was good to see. She still had 2 or 3 seizures since then,  but they are a lot more spaced out than they have been lately.

Jude’s loose stool continues to be an issue and the medication doesn’t seem to be doing too much, even though it is a little improved. We just started her on a gastrointestinal diet to see if that can help firm up her stool and make things a little better for her. Due to the loose stool, Jude had to tolerate many baths this past month, which she has not been pleased about at all. A couple of days ago she had actually pooped in her playpen, which she does not usually do, and there was quite a mess to clean up, including Jude who was covered in poop. Jude hates being dirty,  so she actually tolerated that bath pretty well, as she did not want to be covered in poop any longer.

She has only just started on the special diet to see if it can help her loose stool, so we are not sure yet how well it will work, but I will keep you updated next  month once she has had more time to be on the food.

Little Jude seems completely unfazed by all the seizures she has been having lately.  She stays happy and acts completely normal otherwise.

Our Executive Director at Tabby’s Place, Jonathan, asked me the other day if I thought all the seizures had affected Jude’s brain and made her less able to do what she usually does, but as I told him she seems exactly the same to me as she always has been, which of course is great news. Jude is the exact same happy, cranky, opinionated, food-loving, independent girl she has always been, and I could not love her more.

We have had a lot of nice sunny days lately, and our Jude has taken every opportunity to put herself directly in a sunbeam and take a nap,  which is one of her favorite things to do.

That is all the Jude news for now, but I will keep you posted on how the new diet works for her. As always, thank you so much for everything you do for our little Jude, because we could not do this without you!

Your correspondent,