Update for Jude

Update for Jude

Dear Jude friends,

Our little boy is doing really well. He has had a completely seizure free month! He continues to grow like a weed, and he is a very confident, happy boy.

He still has his attitude if he doesn’t want to do something, like go into his playpen. He loves being in his playpen; it has all his supplies: toys, food and water, and a long and low litter pan that he can get in and out of very easily. While he does enjoy his time in his playpen, he much prefers it when he can be in the bedroom with his buddies. I got him a low litter pan for the bedroom, but he doesn’t want to use it.

Jude’s favorite thing is to play with his brother, Castiel. They are such a fun team together and really get along well. Tanzy, Jude’s sister, still growls at Jude, but he pays no attention whatsoever to her complaints.

We have discovered that Jude really likes toys that jingle. I think it is because he doesn’t see very well, so if it makes noise he can track it better. He has one mouse that has a little bell inside, and he loves this thing! He spends hours just throwing it up in the air, chasing it, then throwing it in the air again. I love seeing him so happy.

Our vet team is going to make a follow-up appointment with the neurologist, so we can check on Jude’s progress. I think the neurologist will be very pleased with how far Jude has come. We also need to discuss when it will be safe to have him neutered. We don’t want him to have to deal with all the extra hormones and testosterone, but we want to make sure surgery is safe for him.

Jude has learned how to jump on and off the dog bed (the dog beds are 3-4 inches high). It really is the cutest thing to watch. He does this ginormous leap into the air (overestimating it by a lot), and he lands quite ungracefully. He always seems very pleased with himself, though, like he’s thinking, “Yeah! I did it!”

On warmer days, I have been opening the sliding door from the bedroom to the screen porch. Jude loves this! He went out to the porch, sat right in the middle, closed his eyes, and was smelling the air. He sat like that for quite some time. He looked totally and utterly peaceful.

Jude has decided he does not like his dry kitten food. He likes the “big kid” dry food instead, so he is always sneaking over and trying to steal it. I spoke to his vet team, and they said to give him the “big kid” food, it can’t hurt him. He is very good at getting his way about pretty much everything, but how could we not? Just one look at that face, and you want to offer him the world.

Jude had a bout of diarrhea this month and had to have some medication to help the issue. He took his medicine like a champ, and the diarrhea cleared up quickly.

My poor dogs have pretty much given up on ever having their own beds back. Between Jude, Tanzy, and Castiel, there is always one of them on a dog bed. Of course, that means the dogs now want to be on my bed, so I may be sleeping on the screen porch soon! Jude will occasionally share with one of them, as you can see in the picture.

I am so happy Jude is doing so well. We couldn’t offer him the best in vet care if it wasn’t for you. Thank you all for your continued support of this special little guy.

Your correspondent,