Update for Jude

Update for Jude

Dear Jude friends,

Jude had a challenging month, as she had 3 large grand mal seizures and needed rescue medicine to help the seizures stop. They were all so violent that I had to grab her quickly because the seizure was throwing her all over the place. Two of these large seizures happened in the middle of the night, so she was in her playpen. I heard them start and ran to her, grabbed hold of her as fast as possible, and held her tight until the seizure passed. I always know when she is back to herself because the growling starts. That’s when I breathe a sigh of relief. The other large seizure happened during the day, so she was loose in her room. It’s amazing how fast you realize a seizure is starting once you have lived with it for a while.

Because these seizures have been more drastic than prior seizures, we need to check her blood work to see if she needs a higher dose of her seizure medication. I don’t look forward to this, because it means I have to take her to Tabby’s Place. Any change, or stress, can lead to extra seizures, and it usually does lead to more seizures with Jude.

But it has to be done, so we can check if she needs more medication. On the day we go to Tabby’s Place I will give Jude some medicine to help keep her calm, and hopefully, it will keep the seizures under control.

Other than the 3 seizures, Jude had a good month. She is eating well, as always, and enjoying her comfy beds. Jude loves just doing her own thing and being left alone as much as possible. She is a very independent girl.

Jude loves to eat, and her favorite food is Fancy Feast Elegant Medleys (yes, she likes very fancy food). This tiny little girl, who only weighs six and a half pounds, eats a whole can of her favorite food in minutes!

That’s all the Jude news for now. I will let you know how our vet visit goes on our next update. Wish us luck.

Thank you all for your continued support of Jude, as we couldn’t do this without you.

Your correspondent,