Greetings, Dear Sponsors!
I hope this update finds you enjoying all that July has to offer. Here in New Jersey, that means lots of sunshine, heat and humidity. The kitties know exactly what to do, and that is to chill! There is nothing better than hanging out—whether indoors or outdoors in one of the solariums—and feeling the gentle breeze of the air conditioning or a fan. Life is good here at Tabby’s Place!
Sweet Boobalah would love to say hello to you after she wakes up from her power nap. On a recent visit to Tabby’s Place to spend some time with our little girl Boobalah, I discovered that she was off-site working. She is in the Aged to Purrfection program and was on a road trip to share her huge personality with some lucky people at a nursing home. I was so sad to have missed spending some time with her, but also so glad that she was brightening the day for some folks who would otherwise not have feline companionship. There is nothing like a good snuggle with a kitty to improve one’s outlook on life!
Since Boo was missing in action, I visited the FIV+ suite since that is near and dear to my heart. In the past, I have been a correspondent for a few FIV+ kitties. I poked my head into the solarium and found Mr. Mustache soaking in the warmth under one of the cat towers. He seemed more than content, he was thoroughly enjoying himself and quickly came to greet me. We became best friends instantly. He’s just that kind of guy. Before I knew it, he was on my lap purring, and then lying next to me and offering up his belly for a nice rub!

I very much enjoyed my visit with Mr. Mustache, but in the future, I am going to have to sync up my calendar with Boobalah’s. I certainly don’t want to miss a single visit with our sweet girl!
In medical news, Boobalah has lost a bit of weight. She also still has occasional bouts of loose stool. She was started on a new medication to help stabilize her GI health. So far, we haven’t seen an improvement in her stool, but we will see if this makes a difference over a longer period of time.
We are so grateful for your dedication to Boobalah. She is thriving here at Tabby’s Place as she awaits her forever home. You are such an important part of Boo’s family, we couldn’t give her such a wonderful life without you. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!
Have a beautiful month!
Your correspondent,