Happy New Year, Dear Boobalah Friends!
We wish you and everyone that you love a happy and healthy 2024! This time of year brings us great optimism and hope. In 2024, we hope to rescue even more cats from hopeless situations, taking them under our wing, loving them, and doing everything possible to make them healthy and happy without a care in the world.
One might think that this photo to the left shows Boobalah in a very unhappy state. Quite the contrary, she had just woken from one of her power naps and this big yawn was totally necessary to awaken herself. You see, she was on desk duty that day and there must have been a lot of visitors. She so adores people, so much that she doesn’t want to miss a thing!
We all know that Boo is a fabulous greeter, but rumor has it that she’s in training for answering the phone. It’s not clear how she’ll attempt to do this, but I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if she did! She practically lives at the greeter’s desk. One day, I had trouble finding her. She wasn’t in any of her usual spots. Lo and behold she was all snuggled up in this cubby. I know it’s hard to tell those are her little ears, but they are. I didn’t have the heart to disturb such a sound snooze.

Overall, Boo has been in good health and spirits this month. She had several instances of loose stools, but that is not out of the ordinary for her. She had one episode of vomiting after her morning medications. Blood work was run this month and everything was stable.
In her most recent urinalysis, we found that Boo has some protein in her urine. She had a blood pressure check, but it was normal. A medical note from Dr. Collins (our amazing veterinarian): Hypertension can cause proteinuria because it increases the force of the blood being filtered by the kidney, pushing protein through the glomerular filtration system. Think of a colander being filled by a high-pressure hose. In the final days of 2023, Boo had noticeable blood in her urine, so we will be running another urinalysis to further assess. Stay tuned for next month’s update.

With this new year upon us, we wish you a year filled with hope, peace, and love. We are forever grateful for your unrelenting support of Boo. She is thriving and making the most of each day. She is such a joy to be with, so please, if you are able, stop by to see her. She would love that!
Sending purrs and kisses from Boo!
Your correspondent,