Update for Boobalah

Update for Boobalah

Greetings to you and to all of Boobalah’s friends,

I hope this update finds you warm and cozy, during this holiday season. Time seems to be flying by so fast. We need to remind ourselves to take a breath and enjoy the small moments. Boobalah is quite the role model for this! She looks for every opportunity to seize the moment and she most definitely makes the most of it.

While this photo of Boobalah might lead one to think she is a ferocious kitty, she is quite the opposite. She is the sweetest bundle of joy one could ever want to meet. Our fabulous (anonymous) photographer was able to capture her during mid-yawn! It’s a tough job being Queen Boobalah and reigning over her Lobby queen-dom, but I think she is up for the task.


During a recent visit one day, I was looking in all of Boobalah’s usual favorite hangouts,  and she was nowhere to be found. Hmmm, I thought, could she have escaped to the Community Room? While quite possible, it turns out she had not ventured quite that far. Lo and behold, on my way to the Community Room to look for her, I found her snuggled in a bed behind the Reception Desk, waiting for her adorers to come to visit. What a great spot!!

This seemed to be “tiger corner” as Grecca was just a few paw lengths away on the other side of the computer monitor taking a much-needed snooze. I usually see Grecca when I’m doing a “dishes and laundry” volunteer shift in the morning. She sits on top of the Reception Desk counter and talks to (begs!) every single person that walks by to get them to stop and hear her story. She is very persuasive.

Boobalah, guarding the Reception Desk

Boobalah has been in good health and spirits this month. She continues to have soft stool periodically, but we are doing what we can to keep it under control and keep her happy.

I wish you a joyous and healthy holiday season, with your two and four-legged loved ones surrounding you. Thank you for your kind generosity that allows Boobalah to live her best life.

With much gratitude,
your correspondent,