Update for Bacon

Update for Bacon

Dear Supporters of Bacon,

February for me is all about Valentine’s Day. I love this holiday because there are few expectations. No big meals to make for the family. No presents to buy for all of my 13 nieces and nephews. Just me and a loved one. Just dinner in or out depending on our mood. Maybe a movie. Simple. It’s a glorious day to relax and think about love.

When I pop in to see Bacon a few days before Valentine’s Day, I see that he’s putting his New Year’s Eve resolutions into effect. Napping on the big bed that is now a permanent fixture in the office where he lives. I remember that one of his three resolutions was: “I will get more sleep.” Yeah.

So, I have to ask him. “Do you have any plans for Valentine’s Day?”

He tilts his head, and I’m not going to say that he laughs, but he looks at me as if to say, “Not yet.”

“Well, there’s still time. I plan to go to the movies.”

Now he shakes his head. Bacon has no interest in movies, especially movies about people. Maybe he would sit and watch a bird movie. Or a documentary about squirrels.

I see Bacon again after Valentine’s Day. “I might as well admit that things didn’t go as planned.” He knows I have three kitties at home. “We had to take Mico to the vet. They thought he had ringworm. But, thankfully, he doesn’t.”

This news does not sit well with Bacon. He is wandering around the office, quite nonchalantly, and now he stops. Ringworm is not a pleasant topic of conversation if you’re a cat. If he could back up—back into his little house—he would. But, unfortunately, I’m sitting on the floor too close for comfort.

Maybe Bacon misunderstood. “He probably has an allergy,” I explain. “So, he’s not infectious.”

That news makes all the difference. Bacon grabs a quick drink at the fountain and comes closer to me. I ask, “What did you do for Valentine’s Day?”

He goes over to the big bed and lays down. “Sleep.”

No doubt his favorite thing, I think.

As for his medical situation, good news to report. Bacon only had one episode of diarrhea this month. His health and spirits are good. His current medications for his seizures have stabilized his phenobarbital levels, at least for now. Bacon has also been getting a few drops of CBD (cannabidiol oil derived from cannabis) added to his daily wet food to help with his seizures. So far, he’s been chowing down and doesn’t seem to mind.

Bacon and I, as always, thank you for your continued generosity. We hope you enjoy this brisk March weather. We’ll see you next month.

Your correspondent,