Update for Bacon

Update for Bacon

Greetings Fans of Tabby’s Place Finest Feline Weirdo,

We might be limping over the finish line, but we’ve made it to 2022. 2021 was certainly a long year full of “unprecedented times” and plenty of unexpected twists and turns, but here we are. We made it. And we can only look forward to a brand new year with all that it might bring!

Bacon has been enjoying an extra hour of time uncrated each night. At 5PM, Marcia is crated and Bacon is released so he has a little extra time out when staff and volunteers are still around in the building. We’ve been hoping to offer Bacon a little bit more stimulation. So far, Bacon is enjoying the little bit of extra freedom during the day. He often comes trotting out of his crate, mewing and looking for dinner. In the mornings, he’s greeted me a number of times by immediately coming to the gate when the door opens, meowing and snapping at the air. He’s also not afraid to nip at my ankles when I go in to serve him his breakfast.

Now that Marcia has settled in to her new digs, volunteers have returned to cleaning the room. Bacon, of course, doesn’t mind one bit as he takes a good nap during the whole ordeal. Marcia is doing well and seems to have adjusted to her routine. She’s generally happy to curl up in the bottom cubby of the cat tree or nap on her scratcher. We’re glad that Marcia is finally feeling comfortable in our sanctuary and look forward to seeing her true personality blossom.

Overall, Bacon has had a pretty low-key end of 2021 and beginning of 2022. He’s had a few occasional seizures over the past month but remains stable. Our vet team continues to keep track of their frequency in case he needs any adjustments with his medication.

Thank you for continuing to support Bacon and all his fellow weirdos at Tabby’s Place! May your 2022 be filled with joy!

Your Correspondent,