Update for Bacon

Update for Bacon

Greetings, Bacon sponsors.

Bacon has enjoyed a stable September — at least, medically speaking.

As the “Bacon Cam” shows, however, Bacon’s nights are anything but boring. Fortunately, that’s not due to seizures. It’s due to wacky roommates. New neighbor Wilbur delighted in leaping onto Bacon’s cage and reaching through the bars to Bacon, an adorable incident. Wilbur has since moved to another suite, but Bacon is getting along nicely with remaining roomies Riley, Kaycee, Gherkin, Wesley and Padme.

I’ve visited with Bacon a couple of times in the last few weeks. He loves treats, as you can see at left. The yellow box to the rear holds treats, and Bacon loves to eat them off the top of the box. They seem to taste better that way than on the floor.

Bacon hasn’t decided whether I’m to be trusted yet. He sniffs my hand and gives me a lick or two, but that’s as far we’ve gotten. Perhaps he thinks I’ll give him more treats, since my hand probably smells like treats.

Bacon thanks you for your support. Be sure to bring treats if you should chance to visit.